Taking one Austin step at a time to inspire us to live epically through adventures and love.
Our Mission
On May 12, 2012 Austin Brashears finished what is one of the most epic stories of all time: his life story. He lived colorfully and beautifully during his 21 years and painted pictures all over the world of his kindness, generosity, and positive spirit. We have decided to begin the stage of moving forward to embark on a grand adventure to create new memories with Austin every day. It can be something as little as trying a new flavor of coffee or going underwater go-cart racing in his honor. We invite you to play with us, laugh with us, and take risks with us. We encourage you to put your Austin foot forward and begin to live with Austin and his energetic spirit as your guide.
He needs our help to finish his epic adventure.
We’ll be posting our adventures here for you to read and hopefully be inspired by, but we want to hear from you too! When you do something amazing and incredible or just a little something you know that Austin would LOVE or appreciate, throw on your Austin merch (v-neck, tank, or bracelet) and take a picture! Write up a post and email it to us at doitforaustin@gmail.com and we’ll share it with everyone!
Have a great Austin Adventure Day,
Sage, Brittany, Cole, & Shannon
The Family
Friday, June 29, 2012
Just Like You
Gallivanting Through the Woods
Severine: As we were walking through the Arboretum we took different paths that circled the gardens, sweat a ton (due to the 150% humidity), and then....we got rained on.
Tori: There were claps of thunder and flashes of lightening and the rain felt AMAZING after being so hot and sticky all day! Sev and I talked about how Austin-y it was to be gallivanting through the forest in a storm. But it was starting to get dark.
Severine: We were walking towards the exit when we stumbled upon something that looked like a small shrine. There were stones, flowers, and some random items...
Tori: Like seashells, bits of pretty colored glass, a few beads. It was beautiful. We stopped, in the rain, and admired how pretty it was in the middle of all the gloom.
Severine: We wanted to add something to the shrine!
Tori: I dug through my backpack, trying to find something pretty to add to it. I saw I had a bottle of red nail polish and had an idea.
Severine: Tori pulled out the bottle and began painting, in shear silence, Austin's initials, APB, on the stone.
Love always,
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Small Things
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Softball Bliss

Jenn Goes To 6 Flags!

Love always,
Monday, June 11, 2012
The B.F.I.
It was a gorgeous, sunny day and though Nicole and I were feeling pretty lazy, we decided to try to make the most of the day by getting out and doing something cool. I felt like working out and since Nicole doesn't have a gym pass, I suggested a hike. My parents love hiking at El Moro overlooking Crystal Cove and I had been a few times so I figured it was the perfect place to go. I didn't exactly remember how to get on the trails or where to park, but I figured it would all come back to me once we got there.....
So Sage came on over and picked me up and than we chatted with the parentals a bit than went out to start our adventure. Sage drove and we put the top down, drove down PCH and blasted some of our favorite tunes. Once we got there we went to park and that was an adventure of its own! But we finally got a spot and even sucked it up and payed the $15 to park. When we entered the lot the nice old lady working the booth gave us a map of the trails and warned us of the B.F.I (Big Freakin Incline). We then grabbed our water and headed out!
After the hour it took us to figure out where to park and where the trail was (we walked across some little trail thing that wasn't even on the map...) we were ready to go! The very sweet lady at the toll booth told us that there was a gate we were supposed to walk through in order to get to the trail, but we couldn't find it because it was hiding behind a bridge, BUT! once we found it we were off! We were convinced that the tiny little trail we had walked along before was the B.F.I. because it was a pretty legitimate incline....we were really wrong.
So once we found the bridge and went across that, we found a map and looked at the "you are here" dot and realized we were just now starting the trail we thought we had been on 30 min prior. So we started our journey along this trail and realized about 5 minutes in that we were not going to have an adequate amount of water for this hike but we then proceeded to talk about the titles of the newspapers and stories that would report on us getting lost and without food or water etc. (Quite dramatic, i know) So we switched to talking about how we would save someone else with our last few drops of water! Team Austin would save the day!

Eventually we got to the top of a huge incline where the trail turned and the view was absolutely incredible. We could see the gorgeous blue ocean and sailboats and Catalina and all the cute little houses on the coast. We stopped and took pictures and appreciated the gorgeousness before we FINALLY hit the real B.F.I. It was incredibly steep and we thanked our lucky stars that we were going down this trail instead of going up. We were sweating and parched and panting when we finally got back to the car......
So since we were just across from the ocean Sage and I decided to throw our shoes in the car, run through the tunnel under PCH, turn or the go pro and take a dive in the water to cool down and do a little body surf sesh. Overall it was an Awesome Austin Adventure Day! Just one of the many great ones that are yet to come this summer and lifetime.
Love Nicole and Sage
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Palindromic Times
Hanging with Mr. K
For those of you who were fortunate enough to take AP Calc with Mr. Boogar at Marina, you know all about the awesome project that he assigns over Christmas break where you have to spend all your free time assembling tiny pieces to create some object that matches a bunch of crazy calculations that you did first. Clearly, I remember a lot about it. My partner for this project was Kiersten and Austin's was Cole (big shocker, right?). Because Kiersten and I are awesome, we decided to take on the challenge of making our project out of wood. This worried the boys who couldn't stand that thought that ours would be better and so they decided that they would do the same. The only problem was that none of us actually had any woodworking abilities so my father was fortunate enough to be asked to help. Kiersten and I made two footballs with stands, an amazing one for USC and a not-so-amazing one for UCLA. The boys went a very different route and decided to make a wooden ship. With all of the goofing off and bonding they did with my dad, this meant they spent pretty much our entire Christmas break in my garage. Their project turned out amazing and to finish it off they christened it "the Mister K" and even attached a flag with my dad's face on both sides. It could even be raised and lowered with a pulley. Talk about showing off!
It didn't take long for James to realize the same thing that Austin did, that my dad was pretty awesome. He gave "Greg" a call, set up a play date, and did whatever it is that they do in the man cave. The whole situation just reminded me so much of Austin and Cole working with my dad during high school that I had to share. The barrel should be complete after tomorrow so James better start thinking up his next wood project!
So for the leaves in central park, for the song we sang at the service, for the poem he wrote me, for the metaphorical tree he pushed me out of, and for new reasons I discover daily, here is my leaf for Austin. Something that will be there forever, to remind me of someone who changed me forever.
"Nothing can remove the impressions left by each stroke of the pen,
whether they be found on the page when the light falls just right,
like the mid-summer sun through the lightly swaying branches of trees,
Or in our hearts,
Engraved and untouchable,
Love & Hope,
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Mmm...Tasty but Sandy...
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
B -73
Momma and Pappa B
(AKA: Julie and Tom Brashears)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Austin's Boys
Of course there are the men of his family: Papa B, Matt, and Travis. He loved them so incredibly much. They all wrapped up into Austin's ultimate hero and everything he wanted to be: Brave, intelligent, handsome, generous, fashionable (don't get a big head, Trav), courageous, a leader, a family man, and sooo much more. Austin spent a lot of time talking about how amazing the men in his family are and how much he loved them and aspired to be just like them.
Then there are the little boys: Bryson and Everett. Austin loved those kids with his whole heart. He wanted them to grow up knowing that they could always come to him and that he was always there to listen and to play. He was great with all kids, but especially with his nephews.
Then, of course, there's Cole. Cole and Austin had a bond unlike anything else I've ever seen before. I literally can't describe it to you, I really wish I could, but it was something that could only truly be understood by witnessing them together. Their love for each other was so strong and so true. It was truly remarkable.
All of that was a lead up to say that yesterday I got to spend the day with Austin's boys. I got to chat with Matt and to jump on the trampoline with Bryson and Everett. Then later, I got to laugh (and be scared) with Cole watching old horror film trailers.
It was such a great day with so much fun and love that I totally forgot to take any pictures. I'm so bummed at myself because I keep promising that I'll get better about that, but I still have a lot of work to do.
Bryson and I drew Cole some pictures and they made the fridge! |
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This is one of my favorite pictures of Cole and I from gradnight, but that's pretty much what last night looked like without the face paint. |
I felt so lucky to get to spend the day with people that Austin loved and cherished so much. It made me feel closer to him in some small way. Team Austin. <3
Sunday, June 3, 2012
"....I also like to live dangerously..."
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On the podium, a bit scratched up, but no worse for the wear. |
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Just before the start, wondering why that guy in the pink glasses is looking at me |
All I can say is, I gave it everything I had, took some risks, and soaked it all in. Hope I made you proud Morm. To more great todays, and even better tomorrows...
Carnival Crashers
My boyfriend, David, goes to Santa Clara University in Northern California and I stopped by to visit him on my way home. Yesterday was a gorgeous, sunny day and the students of Santa Clara were definitely taking advantage of the amazing weather, even though they're about to take their finals for the quarter. After hanging out in the sun all day I was exhausted, but David wanted to check out the carnival that had been going on all day literally across the street from his house. I was so comfy and cozy all bundled up on the couch watching the original Amityville Horror with his roommates that I just didn't feel like going. David (or "The Rebdster" as Austin called him)decided he was going to go, even if he had to go alone.
A few minutes after he left I realized this was the exact opposite of what I had been encouraging everyone else to do. How could I be writing this blog and preaching about living a life of adventure if I couldn't even get off of the couch to go check out a cool carnival? I jumped up off the couch, threw on my Team Austin tank and ran over to meet The Rebdster at the carnival.
It was so cute! An elementary school was putting it on so there were lots of games, live music, and a few of the best carnival rides (the Zipper, the Ferris Wheel, the UFO, all the classics), and TONS of little kiddos!
There's no doubt in my mind that Austin would have used this opportunity to woo some beautiful girl by winning her a stuffed animal, expertly twirling her around in front of the band, and buying her a giant cotton candy. He was always such a charmer and knew exactly how to make someone feel special.
David and Austin have that in common as the only thing I didn't get last night was cotton candy, and only because they were out for the night. :)
That's my new Baby Duckie! |
Treats from the Trolley, Dear?
Austin has been on my mind pretty much constantly over the last few weeks, something I'm sure everyone reading this can relate to. When I got to thinking about the Harry Potter meal we shared I knew that it was time to whip out the cookbook and make another! I consulted my roommates Kelly and James and we decided on two items:
For our entree we chose the Beef Stew with Herb Dumplings that Kreacher offers Harry after he is feeling sick from yet another trip into Voldemort's mind in chapter 12 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
For our second dish we decided on the classic treat, pumpkin pasties, which first appeared in chapter 6 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone when Harry buys them on the Hogwarts Express.
They both came out SO great!!! Granted we had to eat at like 9 pm because they took so long, but thats okay. I can definitely see where having a wand would have come in handy!
Glad my friends go along with all my crazy ideas :) |
Saturday, June 2, 2012
The Happiest Place on Earth (for a Highlander)
For the past year or so, Cole, Austin, and I had been planning a year-long trip around the world that we wanted to take after graduation. We had an online dropbox where we each put the names of places that we wanted visit and about 90% of mine were in or near Scotland. Some day Cole and I will go on our trip and you better believe Austin will be with us the whole time, but for now the B-ham Highland Games will have to do!
The evening started out as any good Highland Games do with the blessing of the ale! It started a little late (because they couldn't find the piper) but it was worth the wait!
Next they held a Scottish Idol Talent Show which was kind of boring except for the part when the guy doing rope tricks slipped because the rain had made the grass wet. Now this would not have been that exciting normally, but like the good Scot that he was, he was wearing a kilt and so all the judges and the audience got a nice view of his underwear.
Yes, that is me having a beer with the piper! |
Overall, a GREAT night. Austin would have loved it!
Okay maybe Austin wouldn't have loved it all but he would have undoubtedly enjoyed making fun of me the entire time. I would say this was an awesome first Austin Adventure and I can't wait for the next one!!!
I like Ike's
It becomes an adventure.
Here's my sandwich! It was seriously pure dopeness.
The other really cool thing about Ike's is the way they name their sandwiches. They're all really funny. Mine was "We're JUST Friends" literally on the menu just is in all caps. Hahah. I'm not really sure how chicken, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, and a special orange glaze sauce connotes being JUST friends, but i wanted to marry that sandwich. Yeah, it was that good. The sandwich I imagine Austin getting is called the [Name of the Girl I'm Dating]. But! There's also the Heath Ledger, the Spiffy Tiffy, the Nacho Boy, the Blind Date, and the Pizzle, among so many others. Every single one is above and beyond amazing, I swear. Ps. Ike's should probs be paying me for all this advertising I'm doing right now. Anyway!