Bridge to Nowhere". Located in Azusa, this 10 mile hike in the dry heat leads to a bridge that goes nowhere. Also, under the bridge, there are ponds where one can go swimming in. While the hike is not in the most comfortable conditions, my friends and I decided to embark on this journey and "do it for the story". And it most definitely was worth it! I made some amazing memories with some of my friends that I'll cherish for a long time to come. We even hiked multiple miles inside the San Gabriel River! This experience, along with many other I've had this summer, are due to embodying the amazing attitude that Austin had. I will continue to wear the blue wristband that was gifted to me whenever I go on adventures as a reminder that I should be living life for the story and always be trying new and fun things!
It is great to see your adventure and know that you will have many in the future. Remember to take Austin along with you for the ride.